Take care of yourself with Identités !
  • New
    • Caddie de course pour senior
    • Sac cabas en tissus sur roulettes pour faire ses courses
    • Chariot-de-course-Modulo-Bag-6-roues-noir-828012NOIR
    • Déambulateur caddie ModuloBag 6 roues pour monter les escaliers facilement
    • Caddie de course pour senior
    • Sac cabas en tissus sur roulettes pour faire ses courses
    • Chariot-de-course-Modulo-Bag-6-roues-noir-828012NOIR
    • Déambulateur caddie ModuloBag 6 roues pour monter les escaliers facilement

    Modulo bag shopping trolley

    • Available with 2 or 6 wheels for easy stair mounting
    • 2 separate bags, 1 of which is insulated
    See detailed description
    Download the product sheet

    • The Modulo Bag holds 2 separate bags at 2 different heights, making it easier to manage your storage space. Each bag has handles for carrying. Can be folded to fit in a car boot.

      2 colours to choose from.
      Classic 2-wheel model or 6 wheels for easy stair mounting.

      Steel frame and 22-litre polyester bag (30 kg resistance).
      Dimensions: width 40 x depth 33 x height 998 cm.
      Weight : 2.5 kg.
      3-year guarantee.

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    For more than 15 years, Identités has been offering solutions to improve the comfort and independence of the elderly and disabled.

    • ZA Pôle 49
      Boulevard de la Chanterie
      49124 Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
    • (33) 2 41 96 18 48